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  • 2020 年度全球各界顶级人物“年度之最”——徐震时

  • 2020-10-13 14:38:10
  •   徐震时1938年1月生,上海松江人,海派大师程十发义子。国画艺术大师、世界殿堂级艺术家、老摄影家、教授、终身院士、资深编辑,人民美术出版社编辑室主任、编审。1965年毕业于浙江美术学院国画系(今中国美术学院),师从院长潘天寿,方增先等名家。享受国务院政府终身特殊津贴,全国新闻出版系统先进工作者。

      Xu Zhenshi was born in January 1938 in Songjiang, Shanghai, and is the seme of Cheng Shifa, a master of Shanghai School. Master of Chinese painting, world-class artist, old photographer, professor, lifelong academician, senior editor, director and editor of the editorial office of People's Fine Arts Publishing House. In 1965, he graduated from the Chinese Painting Department of Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts (now China Academy of Art), and studied under the famous masters such as Dean Pan Tianshou and Fang Zengxian. Enjoy the special lifetime allowance of the State Council government, and be an advanced worker in the national press and publication system.

      《神州大地》 1993年104cm×164cm(徐震时 金家翔 张晓君作),全国获奖作品,入编 《中国现代美术全集》


      He is currently the director of New Year Painting Committee of China Publishing Association of Central Propaganda Department, consultant of China Fan Art Society, former executive vice president, and lifelong dean of Songzhuang International Painting and Calligraphy Institute. Honorary Fellow, Visiting Professor, Chief Artist and Senior Consultant of Royal Academy of Art; Honorary doctor and foreign academician of the Royal Swedish Academy of Art; Lifetime Senior Academic Consultant, Honorary Doctor, Royal Dutch Academy of Art; The Royal Academy of Fine Arts in France is a master of art and a royal chief artist; Lifetime Fellow of the Royal Academy of Painting in France; Lifetime academician of Rome Painting Academy, Italy; Honorary Chairman and Art Consultant of the World Art Society; Lifetime Honorary Chairman of the World Association of Chinese Literary Artists; Chief consultant and artist of China National Painting and Calligraphy Network; Lifetime honorary chairman of China National Ceremony Art Center, director and vice chairman of national architecture institute of china Painting and Calligraphy Art Professional Committee, etc. He used to be the executive deputy director of the New Year Painting Art Committee of the Chinese Artists Association; Director of China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation, honorary director, deputy director of Painting and Calligraphy Poverty Alleviation Office; Artistic Director of China Foundation for Relief of Sick and Disabled Children from Poor Families; Director, consultant, etc. of the East China Office of the National Division of the United Nations Development Programme in China, making outstanding contributions to poverty alleviation.

      《凌波仙子》55×153cm(徐震时画 沈鹏书)全国获奖作品,编入《中国现代美术全集》


      He has been engaged in fine arts for 60 years, devoted himself to publishing books and educating people, and published in cooperation with foreign cultures. He is the editor-in-chief of the national gift celebrity painting and calligraphy "Danqing Liufang" for the Chinese Olympic Games. He held the exhibition of "Painting and Calligraphy for Poverty Alleviation in Dry Autumn" and edited the collection of works of the exhibition. On the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, he organized an exhibition of famous works and edited the album of Chinese Love. In response to the cultural exchange needs of the State Council, the gift album "Chinese New Year Pictures" was compiled. In 1980s, it was the peak of publishing New Year pictures. There were 800 million farmers, and there were 800 million New Year pictures. They held the 8th/next year's national exhibitions and edited the albums of previous New Year pictures.



      Reform and opening up, publishing tourism books, Sino-Japanese cooperation, cultural exchanges, photo interviews, traveling all over the motherland, enjoying the splendid rivers and mountains, ethnic customs, shooting a large number of landscapes, and publishing books such as China Tour Beijing, Guilin Central China South China, Tianjin North China South China, Dunhuang Northwest Southwest, Guilin Tour, and Yangtze River Tour Rich artistic career, while working, has accumulated rich creative materials for his traditional Chinese painting creation. Editorial work, contribution, gain. Party and government ministries and municipal governments have awarded many honors and awards. The United Nations awarded the honor of "Master of Chinese Culture Communication". The Royal Academy of Art awarded the Royal Knight Medal; Sweden awarded the Polaris Medal; The Netherlands awarded the Royal Nassau Commander Medal; France awarded the Knights of Art and Literature Medal; Honors of world-class artists. In 2019, the mayor of Cambridge, the 9th Chinese List, awarded the honor of "Great Master of Art". The published books include "World Hall Artist", "World Art Soul", "World Famous Artists Handed Down for One Hundred Years", "World Master of Art", "Star of the Motherland" and so on.

      《草原之春》(与赵幼华合作 全国获奖作品)2008年135cmX96cm














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